Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the haps

my last visit to the blog was Beckham's birthday.
october 29th.
since then a few things have happened. 
packing again.
moving again.
unpacking again.
having a baby.
and still unpacking.

it has all been extremely chaotic.
but on the tail end of it, 
so wonderful!

haven't taken pictures of the new house yet, 
but it has a fire place.
and this is it.
i still need a stocking hanger for stocking #6.

baby wasn't due till the 19th, 
but i was done being pregnant. 
i spent the morning of the 10th running stairs at the doctors office,
and doing lunges and jogging in place.
i bounced that baby down, down, down.
she sent me over to delivery and after an afternoon of numb legs and ice chips, 
Sawyer was born at 8:46 p.m.
one good push and he was out.
my mom, nate, and his mom were with me.
we forgot the camera so all the awkward birthing pictures are on phones somewhere.

Sawyer Ellis Arnold
December 10th, 2012
8lbs 14 oz 20 in.
he is beautiful and perfect and it feels like he's been with us forever.

now onto christmas.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Boy

beckham is turning 6 today.

that means he is 1 year closer to being a grown up and leaving me.

and if i think about it i cry.
a lot.

i realize this is crazy pregnant lady talk.

who are we kidding, i sob about him getting older when i'm not pregnant.

it's what i do.

i love this boy more than the universe. 
more than my heart is even capable of loving.

happy birthday baby!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


i got mad at nate last night for not being stressed like i was.  
he wanted to eat ice cream in bed and watch t.v.
i wanted to talk, and vent, and have him totally get why i am so stressed.
he in no way gets why i'm stressed and says things like,
"it's no big deal babe."
that makes it worse.
i hugged him before work this morning and said sorry though.
so we are all good.
but i am still stressed. 
and i won't be able to make him get it.

it's the whole birthdays, and fundraisers, and moving, and school,and colds, and christmas shopping, and halloween, and moving, and thanksgiving, and kids, and getting a house ready for a new baby while taking care of christmas for 3 other kids and a husband and relatives, and being pregnant, and...

are you stressed with me?
i know you kind of are because everybody has their list. 

but it's only bad when i think of all of them at once.
so i'm not going to today.

i'm going to pretend that the most important things i need to do are play trains and put together princess puzzles. 

i think they totally know what's up.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


nate was busy with meetings all day saturday.
i took the kids down to orange county and met nana and papa at the irvine railroad pumpkin patch.
it was a perfect morning.
slight chill, grey skies, and even a little drizzle.  
the first true fall experience i have had of the year.
except for smelling my yankee pumpkin spice candle with the air conditioning blasting.
that so doesn't count though.
desperate times.

nana and papa treated the kids to all the goodies.
train ride, bounce house, tractor racing, panning for gold, face painting, cookie decorating, beanbag toss, and a hay ride to end the morning.

it was perfection.
we even came home with six little pumpkins. 
that's right, six. 
we will soon be a family of six.
that is blowing my mind in and of itself. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

on school days the alarm goes off at 6:15 a.m.
my body and mind feel it is way too early.  
especially with my pregnancy sleep fidgets.
i can never get comfortable enough.
or it's hard to breath, or my hips hurt, or my back hurts.
blah, blah, blah.

but nate and beckham have to leave the house before 7 a.m to get to school on time.

if i have a plan before i've gone to bed, the day will be productive.
if not, then 10 a.m rolls around and i have not worked out, and the kids and i are in jammies in front of the t.v/computer. 

not great. 

today is one of those days.

i'm in workout clothes, 
but on my second coke zero and not so sure a workout will happen.  
at least i know we have to be dressed by 2:30 when we leave to get becks from school.

aim high.

happy wednesday from the lazy crew.