Thursday, October 25, 2012


i got mad at nate last night for not being stressed like i was.  
he wanted to eat ice cream in bed and watch t.v.
i wanted to talk, and vent, and have him totally get why i am so stressed.
he in no way gets why i'm stressed and says things like,
"it's no big deal babe."
that makes it worse.
i hugged him before work this morning and said sorry though.
so we are all good.
but i am still stressed. 
and i won't be able to make him get it.

it's the whole birthdays, and fundraisers, and moving, and school,and colds, and christmas shopping, and halloween, and moving, and thanksgiving, and kids, and getting a house ready for a new baby while taking care of christmas for 3 other kids and a husband and relatives, and being pregnant, and...

are you stressed with me?
i know you kind of are because everybody has their list. 

but it's only bad when i think of all of them at once.
so i'm not going to today.

i'm going to pretend that the most important things i need to do are play trains and put together princess puzzles. 

i think they totally know what's up.


anonymous said...

he's your match.

Cute apt. I want to see more pics.


Kristalyn said...

I am totally stressed with you. :)...Your kids look happy and your floors look spotless so you are doing great. :) I so wish we lived close and could hang out. Your life sounds a lot like mine! I love reading your posts. :)