Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the haps

my last visit to the blog was Beckham's birthday.
october 29th.
since then a few things have happened. 
packing again.
moving again.
unpacking again.
having a baby.
and still unpacking.

it has all been extremely chaotic.
but on the tail end of it, 
so wonderful!

haven't taken pictures of the new house yet, 
but it has a fire place.
and this is it.
i still need a stocking hanger for stocking #6.

baby wasn't due till the 19th, 
but i was done being pregnant. 
i spent the morning of the 10th running stairs at the doctors office,
and doing lunges and jogging in place.
i bounced that baby down, down, down.
she sent me over to delivery and after an afternoon of numb legs and ice chips, 
Sawyer was born at 8:46 p.m.
one good push and he was out.
my mom, nate, and his mom were with me.
we forgot the camera so all the awkward birthing pictures are on phones somewhere.

Sawyer Ellis Arnold
December 10th, 2012
8lbs 14 oz 20 in.
he is beautiful and perfect and it feels like he's been with us forever.

now onto christmas.


anonymous said...

He is gorgeous and perfect. Your house looks amazing!!! You look soooo cute!!!! Go Neaner!!!


anonymous said...

He is gorgeous and perfect. Your house looks amazing!!! You look soooo cute!!!! Go Neaner!!!
